Sunday, July 26, 2020

Church Services This Week at Oak Ridge Ward Layton North Stake Layton Utah 26 July 2020

Sunday School Online

The lesson was based on Elder Dieter F Uchtdorf’s General Conference talk "Come and Belong":

Where does the responsibility lie for belonging?

Nobody came up and said hello to me.  1. People should’ve welcomed them.  2.  The new person needs to also reach out and be welcoming. 

Thursday, July 09, 2020

Church Services This Week at Oak Ridge Ward Layton North Stake Layton Utah 9 July 2020

Missionary Farewell

She was first called to Fortaleza, Brazil, then Covid hit.  She did online MTC.  She is now called to Roseville, CA

Mosiah 2:17

17 And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.

Words of Mormon 7:7

7 And he hath brought to pass the redemption of the world, whereby he that is found guiltless before him at the judgment day hath it given unto him to dwell in the presence of God in his kingdom, to sing ceaseless praises with the choirs above, unto the Father, and unto the Son, and unto the Holy Ghost, which are one God, in a state of happiness which hath no end.

Alma 29

8 For behold, the Lord doth grant unto all nations, of their own nation and tongue, to teach his word, yea, in wisdom, all that he seeth fit that they should have; therefore we see that the Lord doth counsel in wisdom, according to that which is just and true.

Although this time is a trial, it is still a time to grow our faith.

“Yes, faith is a choice, and it must be sought after and developed. Thus, we are responsible for our own faith. We are also responsible for our lack of faith. The choice is yours.” 


“I have never witnessed the removal of an actual mountain. But because of faith, I have seen a mountain of doubt and despair removed and replaced with hope and optimism. Because of faith, I have personally witnessed a mountain of sin replaced with repentance and forgiveness. And because of faith, I have personally witnessed a mountain of pain replaced with peace, hope, and gratitude. Yes, I have seen mountains removed.” (Bishop Richard C. Edgley, “Faith—the Choice Is Yours”, October 2010 General Conference)

Sunday, July 05, 2020

Church Services This Week at Oak Ridge Ward Layton North Stake Layton Utah 5 July 2020

Sunday School Online

Why is hatred and anger a favorite tool of Satan?

What does it accomplish?

What are the opposite tools that God uses?

“The vision of the tree of life shows us how the effects of casualness can lead us away from the covenant path. Consider that the rod of iron and the strait and narrow path, or the covenant path, led directly to the tree of life, where all the blessings provided by our Savior and His Atonement are available to the faithful. Also seen in the vision was a river of water representing the filthiness of the world. The scriptures describe that this river “ran along” the path yet passed only “near” the tree, not to it. The world is laden with distractions that can deceive even the elect, causing them to be casual in living their covenants—thus leading them near the tree, but not to it. If we are not careful in living our covenants with exactness, our casual efforts may eventually lead us into forbidden paths or to join with those who have already entered the great and spacious building. If not careful, we may even drown in the depths of a filthy river.”


“Are we careful in our temple worship, and do we carefully and deliberately live the covenants we made both at baptism and in the temple? Are we careful in our appearance and modest in our dress, especially in sacred places and circumstances? Are we careful in how we wear the sacred temple garments? Or do the fashions of the world dictate a more casual attitude?” (Becky Craven, “Careful versus Casual”, April 2019 General Conference)

Alma 24:7-19

John 6:66-69

66 ¶ From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.

67 Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?

68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.

69 And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.

DnC 87:8

8 Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen.

“When the focus of our lives is on God’s plan of salvation...and Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy regardless of what is happening—or not happening—in our lives. Joy comes from and because of Him. He is the source of all joy.” (President Russell M. Nelson, “Joy and Spiritual Survival”, October 2016 General Conference)

How have you come to understand this in your life?

What might you say to someone who does not feel joy in the gospel of Christ?