Elders QuorumPresident Monson's October 2012 General Conference talk, Consider the Blessings
No request to Heavenly Father goes unheard.
The more we act on the promptings of the spirit, the more that will come and the better we will be able to recognize them.
Sunday SchoolDoctrine and Covenants 84:54-62;3,10; 5,17
The teacher handed out the following:Key Events Surrounding the Book of Mormon Translation
Date | Location | Event |
21 Sep 1823 | Palmyra NY | First visit of Angel Moroni |
21 Sep 1823 | Palmyra NY | D&C 2 received |
18 Jan 1827 | Bainbridge NY | Joseph marries Emma Hale |
22 Sep 1827 | Manchester NY | Joseph receives the plates |
Dec 1827 | Harmony PA | Joseph moves to Harmony |
Feb 1828 | New York NY | Martin Harris visits Prof. Anthon |
12 Apr 1828 | Harmony PA | Translation: Martin Harris as scribe |
14 Jun 1828 | Harmony PA | Martin Harris takes 116 pages |
15 Jun 1828 | Harmony PA | Joseph and Emma's son Alvin born/dies |
Jul 1828 | Palmyra NY | Loss of the 116 pages |
Jul 1828 | Palmyra NY | Joseph learns of the lost pages |
Jul 1828 | Harmony PA | D&C 3 received |
Sum 1828 | Harmony PA | D&C 10 received |
Feb 1829 | Harmony PA | D&C 4 received |
Winter 1829 | Harmony PA | Some Translation: Emma Smith as scribe |
Mar 1829 | Harmony PA | D&C 5 received |
5 Apr 1829 | Harmony PA | Oliver Cowdery arrives in Harmony |
7 Apr 1829 | Harmony PA | Translation: Oliver Cowdery as scribe |
Apr 1829 | Harmony PA | D&C 6, 7, 8, 9 received |
15 May 1829 | Harmony PA | Aaronic Priesthood restored |
15 May 1829 | Harmony PA | D&C 13 received |
May 18, 1929 | Harmony PA | Melchizedek Priesthood restored |
May 18, 1929 | Harmony PA | D&C 11, 12 received |
Jun 1829 | Fayette NY | Joseph moves to Fayette |
Jun 1829 | Fayette NY | D&C 14, 15, 16 received |
11 Jun 1829 | Utica NY | Joseph applies for BoM copyright |
Jun 1829 | Fayette NY | Translation completed |
Jun 1829 | Fayette NY | D&C 17, 18, received |
Jun 1829 | Fayette NY | Three Witnesses see the plates |
Jun 1829 | Fayette NY | Eight Witnesses see the plates |
Aug 1829 | Palmyra NY | Printing begins at E.B. Grandin |
Sum 1829 | Palmyra NY | M. Harris's farm is printing collateral |
26 Mar 1830 | Palmyra NY | Book of Mormon copies available |
Mar 1830 | Manchester NY | D&C 19 received |
Apr 1830 | Fayette NY | D&C 20 received |
6 Apr 1830 | Fayette NY | Church of Christ organized |
6 Apr 1830 | Fayette NY | D&C 21 received |
7 Apr 1831 | Palmyra NY | M. Harris sells 150 acres to pay printer |
28 Jan 1832 | Palmyra NY | Final payment made to printer |
Section 84 is directed to elders that are returning from their missions.
The Church was under condemnation for treating the Book of Mormon lightly.
They may have been very heavily entrenched in the bible and were not teaching from or about the book of Mormon.
When Joseph Smith received the first visit from Moroni he was praying expecting a heavenly manifestation, since he had received one before. In that room while he was praying were sleeping His siblings.
Moroni recites scriptures from the Bible and tells him that those scriptures will be fulfilled through him, Joseph.
Mosiah 4:27
27 And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order.
Don't run faster than you have strength, but run as fast as you are able until the end. Don't do everything at once, but do everything you can.
Sacrament Service
“There has come to you as your birthright something beautiful and sacred and divine. Never forget that. Your Eternal Father is the great Master of the universe. He rules over all, but He also will listen to your prayers as His daughter and hear you as you speak with Him. He will answer your prayers. He will not leave you alone” (“Stay on the High Road,” Liahona and Ensign, May 2004, 112)
It can sometimes be hard to talk to God, because you know he already knows everything. There is value in telling him about your day anyway. He wants to hear you tell him about it and it is good for you to grow your relationship with him by telling him those things.
How can we see heavenly Father's hand in all things?
Doctrine and Covenants 59:21
21 And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments.
Do good to them that despitefully use you - find scripture
3 Nephi 12:44
44 But behold I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them who despitefully use you and persecute you;
2 Nephi 5:27
27 And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness.