“Stay humble; stay prayerful…And try to put your lives in order so when you are on your knees alone at night without anybody watching and you lift your voice to Heavenly Father, you can feel His direction.” (Elder Neil L. Andersen, Arizona State University, January 26, 2016)
Sacrament Service
First Speaker
A young man spoke on visiting Cove Fort.
Next Speaker
A new couple in the ward spoke.
“Diversity and unity of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” in Gospel Topics on the Church’s website.
“We also read that “his blood atoneth for the sins of those … who have died not knowing the will of God concerning them, or who have ignorantly sinned” (Mosiah 3:11). Similarly, ‘the blood of Christ atoneth for [little children]’ (Mosiah 3:16). These teachings that the resurrecting and cleansing power of the Atonement is for all contradict the assertion that the grace of God saves only a chosen few. His grace is for all. These teachings of the Book of Mormon expand our vision and enlarge our understanding of the all-encompassing love of God and the universal effect of His Atonement for all men everywhere.”
One of the things I learned in this most recent reading of the Book of Mormon was how much God loves all of His children in every nation.
“Truly, the gospel is for all men everywhere—every nation, every people. All are invited.” (Elder Dallin H. Oaks, “All Men Everywhere”, April 2006 General Conference)
Mosiah 4
7 I say, that this is the man who receiveth salvation, through the atonement which was prepared from the foundation of the world for all mankind, which ever were since the fall of Adam, or who are, or who ever shall be, even unto the end of the world.
She spoke of visiting the Swahili branch in Salt Lake City.
Next Speaker
He talked about that he served his mission in the Dominican Republic.
“‘He inviteth them all.’ We understand ‘male and female.’ We also understand “black and white,’ which means all races. But what about “bond and free’? Bond—the opposite of free—means more than slavery. It means being bound (in bondage) to anything from which it is difficult to escape. Bond includes those whose freedom is restricted by physical or emotional afflictions. Bond includes those who are addicted to some substance or practice. Bond surely refers to those who are imprisoned by sin—’encircled about’ by what another teaching of the Book of Mormon calls ‘the chains of hell’ (Alma 5:7). Bond includes those who are held down by traditions or customs contrary to the commandments of God (see Matt. 15:3–6; Mark 7:7–9; D&C 74:4–7; D&C 93:39). Finally, bond also includes those who are confined within the boundaries of other erroneous ideas. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that we preach to ‘liberate the captives.’Our Savior ‘inviteth … all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; … he denieth none that come unto him … ; and all are alike unto God.’” (Elder Dallin H. Oaks, “All Men Everywhere”, April 2006)
Official Declaration 2 - Heading
Sunday School
The teacher referenced P255 in Revelations in Context book.
We have adversity to polish us. Rocks that go through a tumbler or a river have intense knocking around, with many things banging into them, including other rocks.
The teacher referenced On the Lord’s Side: Lessons from Zion’s Camp By Elder David A. Bednar from the July 2017 Ensign.
Adversity does not always come as a punishment. Whether for punishment or not it always comes because God loves us and knows what we need to be happy in the long term.
If we are given struggles are we willing to accept them and stay with God or will face them with anger and bitterness without God.
Joint Priesthood / RS Meeting
The theme for the meeting was “Behold the wounds in Jesus’ hands… Built mansions for us all. “ It looks like this is taken from the song , Behold the Wounds in Jesus' Hands“
One criticism is that Mormons believe they can work their way to heaven. We definitely believe that we must work. We also believe that our effort is necessary and miniscule and we need Christ.
Will what we do ever earn us salvation? No. Can what we do or not do keep us from salvation? Yes.
Moroni lived in such a terrible time of war. For him to give a message of hope in such circumstances, that is huge and should be an encouragement for us to be positive and hopeful when our trials are way less than Moroni.