Sunday, August 06, 2017

Church Services This Week at Oak Ridge Ward Layton North Stake Layton Utah 6 Aug 2017


“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.” (The Family: A Proclamation to the World) 

Sacrament Service 

Sunday School 

How do we live a celestial life? We must live the celestial laws. The laws of sacrifice, the gospel, chastity and consecration. 

Several that went on their mission shortly after arriving at Nauvoo could barely walk. One had to be carried onto the wagon and he left on his mission. 

The Lord is going to build the kingdom of God on Earth with the weak things of this world. He started with a farm boy and other farmers. Many of them were uneducated. 

Elders Quorum 

Lesson was pulled from Elder Oaks October 2007 talk, “Good, Better, Best”.

We have a long list of things that we should be doing in the Church. How do we not get overwhelmed by that?  Sometimes we over complicate what we are responsible for.  We don't have to do all things we are responsible for all at the same time. 

“In general conference last year, Elder M. Russell Ballard warned against the deterioration of family relationships that can result when we spend excess time on ineffective activities that yield little spiritual sustenance. He cautioned against complicating our Church service ‘with needless frills and embellishments that occupy too much time, cost too much money, and sap too much energy. … The instruction to magnify our callings is not a command to embellish and complicate them. To innovate does not necessarily mean to expand; very often it means to simplify. … What is most important in our Church responsibilities,’ he said, ‘is not the statistics that are reported or the meetings that are held but whether or not individual people—ministered to one at a time just as the Savior did—have been lifted and encouraged and ultimately changed.’” -

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