Sunday, January 05, 2025

Church Services This Week at Oak Ridge Ward Layton North Stake Layton Utah Jan 5, 2025

Sacrament Service 


“Their testimonies inspired me and caused me to have a sincere curiosity to find out: What is a testimony? Why do I need to share my testimony? How do I share my testimony? How do they know what they say is true? How do I gain my own testimony like theirs?   

“After living the gospel for years by keeping His commandments, daily scripture study, daily prayer, searching the inspired messages of our church leaders, and fifty years of unconditionally serving in callings from the Lord, my understanding of this matter has gradually increased. We learn the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.1 It comes through personal inspiration and revelation from the gift and power of the Holy Ghost. All can receive it if we are obedient to the Lord’s commandments and live righteously. The testimony is the shield of faith.” (Elder Wisit Khanakham, Asia Area Leader Message)

“President Kimball taught that the moment we begin preaching to others, our testimony is ended.” (Elder Dallin H. Oaks, “Testimony”, April 2008 General Conference)

Sunday School 

3 Nephi 21:9

9 For in that day, for my sake shall the Father work a work, which shall be a great and a marvelous work among them; and there shall be among them those who will not believe it, although a man shall declare it unto them.

Acts 13:41

41 Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you.

Hearken - to give heed or attention to what is said; 

We talked about The Restoration Proclamation.

“Well, our 1820 list of hopes could go on, but perhaps the most important message of the Restoration is that such hopes would not have been in vain. Beginning in the Sacred Grove and continuing to this day, these desires began to be clothed in reality and became, as the Apostle Paul and others taught, true anchors to the soul, sure and steadfast. What was once only hoped for has now become history.” (Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “A Perfect Brightness of Hope”, April 2020 General Conference)

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