Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sunday June 18, 2006

Father's Day
Sacrament Meeting
One speaker shared a poem or something that talked about God knowing about cars and being an accomplished musician and a master physician.

One sister talked about her father, the father of her children, and Heavenly Father.

Sunday School
Saul's jealousy was destructive. He was a man of strong character, but lost that by allowing his jealousy to consume him.

We compared Saul, David, and Jonathan.

We also talked about David respecting Saul's office, even though he was trying to kill him. It talks about that he behaved himself wisely. How do we behave ourselves wisely as we deal with those we work with in life?

We had pie and ice cream that was brought in by one of the sisters for Father's Day. And after that my daughter gave scripture in Primary, so I went and watched that. Thus, I missed most of the lesson in priesthood.

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