Sunday, August 03, 2008

Church Services This Week at Sullivan Hollow Second Ward Weber Heights Stake Ogden Utah 8-3-08

August 17 - Stake Priesthood Leadership Meeting
September 6 - Stake Activity - 4pm

Priesthood Opening

Doctrine and Covenant 4:2
2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the aservice of God, see that ye bserve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand cblameless before God at the last day.

Elders' Quorum
Welfare Duties of Priesthood Quorum/Helping Others Become Self Reliant
Fast offerings and home teaching are the primary ways to help others become self sufficient.

It was stated that bishops are to focus on teaching the members self reliance and generous giving.

Someone stated that the bishop said one time, "If you are fasting and not paying fast offerings you are online dieting"

Fasting is about controlling ourselves, being dedicated to a purpose, and giving to the needy. Leaving out any those purposes leaves us hungry.

Without home teaching how do we know who we can help?

Bishops are in some ways in charge of immediate needs. The quorums are in charge of long term sustainable needs.

Sunday School
Book of Mormon Lesson 29: “Give Ear to My Words” p.128
Alma 36-39
Alma talked of the murdering of the people that he did. It was expressed by class members that he did not physically kill them, but rather destroyed their souls by teaching them things that were not true and teaching them that things that were true were not and got the people to believe him.

Joy is felt in your trials not necessarily in the absence of trials. Heavenly Father still has trials (disobedient children), yet he has great joy.

"Why is this happening to me?" Why not?

When we spend time asking why we miss the opportunities.

The scriptures will never lead you wrong, but like the Liahona if you don't heed them then they stop working for you.

Testimony Meeting

From the bulletin today;
"If we ever expect to to become like our Heavenly parentag, the development of PATIENCE must be at the VERY CORE of who we really are. Think what would happen if HE ever got impatient with us." - The Bishop

"Patience is not indifference. Actually, it means caring very much but being willing, nevertheless, to submit to the Lord and to what the scriptures call the 'process of time.'

When we are impatient... we are too self-centered. Whereas faith and patience are companions, so are selfishness and impatience. It is so easy to be confrontive without being informative... It is so easy to command others when we are not in control of ourselves.

The patient person assumes that what others have to say is worth listening to. A patient person is not so chronically eager to put forth his own ideas. In true humility... We value them for what they say and what they have to contribute.

God’s attributes of [power and knowledge] no doubt made the plan of salvation feasible. But it was his perfect love which made the plan inevitable. And it is his perfect patience which makes it sustainable!

Patience is, therefore, clearly not fatalistic, shoulder-shrugging resignation; it is accepting a divine rhythm to life; it is obedience prolonged. Patience stoutly resists pulling up the daisies to see how the roots are doing!

Patience is never condescending or exclusive; it is never glad when others are left out. Patience never preens itself; it prefers keeping the window of the soul open."

Bits of a BYU devotional, "Patience" by Elder Neal A. Maxwell, Brigham Young University, 27 November 1979

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