Sunday, December 21, 2008

Church Services This Week at Sullivan Hollow Second Ward Weber Heights Stake Ogden Utah 12-21-08

December 23-25 - Stake Offices will be closed
January 4 - Church starts at 9am
January 11 7:15am - Stake General Priesthood Meeting
January 11 - Ward Conference

Priesthood Opening

Hel. 16: 14
14 And aangels did appear unto men, wise men, and did declare unto them glad tidings of great joy; thus in this year the scriptures began to be fulfilled.

3 Ne. 9: 21
21 Behold, I have come unto the world to bring aredemption unto the world, to save the world from sin.
22 Therefore, whoso arepenteth and cometh unto me bas a clittle child, him will I receive, for of such is the kingdom of God. Behold, for such I have dlaid down my life, and have taken it up again; therefore repent, and come unto me ye ends of the earth, and be saved.

Elders' Quorum
Chapter 23: “How Good and How Pleasant It Is … to Dwell Together in Unity” 271–80
One of the headings in the manual stated, "When we work together in unity, we can better accomplish the purposes of God. " I think this is true in most pursuits. I have often thought about this principle in looking at technology. Even though certain technologies advance at lightning speeds, but other areas lag. Companies compete and that drives certain technologies to some degree, but are often restricted by what makes the fastest and biggest profit. How much further would technologies be advanced and how many more technologies would we have if people and companies worked together more and compete less?

We develop drugs like Viagra by competition and driven by stock holders, but where would we be on the research about cancer, AIDS, or the many other big cripplers and killers if companies and people cooperated and joined forces more?

A group of carpenters can not build a house alone. We are building God's kingdom. We need to do whatever big or small job we have. Similar to what Elder Ucktdorf talked about in his conference talk "Lift Where You Stand".

What are our attitudes while we work? Do we impact our productivity and spirituality because we work with a bad or less than good attitude.

Sunday School
Lesson 43: “How Could Ye Have Departed from the Ways of the Lord?” 190
Moroni 1-6
No matter where we go in the Church the organization is the same. Moroni tells us of some of the way the Church was organized in his day. In chapter 4 and 5 he tells us how to bless the sacrament. In chapter 6 he tells us of the preparation and requirements for baptism.

Moroni is being pursued by those trying to kill him. He prays that what he writes will bless their children. In chapter 4 and he tells us how to bless the sacrament. In chapter 6 he tells us of the preparation and requirements for baptism.

Sacrament Service
The choir sang and gave a Christmas program. They had people read scripture between songs. During one song they had a handful of young girls sing a couple of the verses. They incorporated a guitar and a violin in parts of the program as well.

From the Bulletin:
What Could I Possibly Do to Top This?
In this season where we celebrate the biggest and best birthday, what gift could we possibly give the birthday child, Jesus? Couldn't we give Him our gifts of truly broken and repentant hearts, determined and contrite spirits, willing and obedient hearts, and senses of immeasurable gratitude for what we have been given including our humbling and teaching trials. How about the gift of forgiving others - we expect others to give the gift of forgiving to us? How about an honest tithe and generous fast offering? Would sharing the gospel be offensive to Him? And oh!! Regular attendance in the temple to give others (and ourselves) precious gifts at the temple? We are sure that our carefully planning out and completing our callings as well as giving generous doses of service so His work could move forward would not hurt his feelings either.

In the end, our gifts are very tiny (yet critical) compared to the gift of eternal life that He gives us for our efforts here on earth. Ultimately, regardless of what we give, His gift of grace saves us all.

Who Really Cares?
Unless a commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans. Heavenly Father really does care and is committed to each of us and so He made a real, living, breathing plan to save each of us.

Let us likewise make real plans that are solidly linked to His. Let's write down measurable goals and cut them up into daily, bit-sized pieces. Let's review then often...putting habits of success into motion. And then, let's watch the miracles that come about as we do so.

Merry Christmas to one and all.

Sullivan Hollow 2nd Bishopric

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