Sunday, July 05, 2009

Church Services This Week at Sullivan Hollow Second Ward Weber Heights Stake Ogden Utah 7-05-09

  • Next Sunday 7:15am priesthood meeting at Sullivan Hollow ward building.
  • July 18th 5pm ward activity to plays games at the Sullivan Hollow ward building.
Priesthood Opening
James 1

Elders' Quorum
Priesthood Responsibilities, Elder Claudio R. M. Costa, General Conference April 2009

“Each of us has a fourfold responsibility. First, we have a responsibility to our families. Second, we have a responsibility to our employers. Third, we have a responsibility to the Lord’s work. Fourth, we have a responsibility to ourselves.” (Gordon B. Hinckley, “Rejoicing in the Privilege to Serve,” Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting, June 21, 2003, 22)

Doctrine and Covenants 20:38-45 - Some of the duties of an elder.
38 The aduty of the elders, priests, teachers, deacons, and members of the church of Christ—An bapostle is an celder, and it is his calling to dbaptize;
39 And to aordain other elders, priests, teachers, and deacons;
40 And to administer abread and wine—the bemblems of the flesh and blood of Christ—
41 And to aconfirm those who are baptized into the church, by the laying on of bhands for the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost, according to the scriptures;
42 And to teach, expound, exhort, baptize, and watch over the church;
43 And to confirm the church by the laying on of the hands, and the giving of the Holy Ghost;
44 And to take the alead of all meetings.
45 The elders are to aconduct the bmeetings as they are cled by the Holy Ghost, according to the commandments and revelations of God.
  • Baptize
  • Ordain
  • Administer the sacrament
  • Confirmation of the Holy Ghost
  • Watch over the Church with teaching and expoundings
When running a race one should put in a consistent effort throughout the race. The same is true for life. We will be better people with that consistent effort.

Sunday School
Lesson 25: Priesthood: “The Power of Godliness” 140
Reasons to be grateful to be members of the Church:
  • Temple blessings
  • Community/fellowship
  • Direction/revelation
  • Knowledge
The priesthood was restored in roughly this order:
  • Aaronic priesthood
  • Melchizedek priesthood
  • Bishops
  • Apostles
  • 70s
  • Area authorities
“Sometimes, unintentionally, even certain extracurricular Church activities, insensitively administered, can hamper family life. Instructively, after the resurrected Jesus taught the Nephites, He said, ‘Go ye unto your homes, and ponder upon the things which I have said,’ and pray and prepare ‘for the morrow’ (3 Nephi 17:3). Jesus did not say go to your civic clubs, town meetings, or even stake centers!” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1994, 120; or Ensign, May 1994, 89).

“Those who hold the priesthood must never forget that they have no right to wield priesthood authority like a club over the heads of others in the family or in Church callings. … Any man who … seeks to use the priesthood in any degree of unrighteousness in the Church or in the home simply does not understand the nature of his authority. Priesthood is for service, not servitude; compassion, not compulsion; caring, not control” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1993, 105; or Ensign, Nov. 1993, 78).

From the Bulletin
"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." (Declaration of Independence)

A major THEME of the Book of Mormon "... they shall prosper upon the face of this land and they shall be kept from all other nations, that they may possess this land unto themselves. And IF it so be that they shall keep HIS commandments they shall be blessed upon the face of this land, and there shall be none to molest them, nor to take away the land of their inheritance; and they shall dwell safely forever." (2 Nephi 1:9 among many others.)

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