Sunday, October 17, 2010

Church Services This Week at Sullivan Hollow Second Ward Weber Heights Stake Ogden Utah October 10-17-2010

“Today, as society escalates in complexity, many forces combine to cause an individual to feel unimportant and insignificant, sometimes reducing him to a number in government files, or on the university roster, or at the bank. As a result, he often senses that human life is trivial, little more than a bubble on the crest of a wave. Now, more than ever before, is the need for each individual to understand the love of a divine Father, in whose eyes he has an eternal place. More paramount than any discovery of science or glittering bit of worldly knowledge is the reinforcement of human worth given by the Lord through our Prophet Joseph Smith:” (Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, The Worth of One: A Home Teacher’s Guide for Working with Inactive Members, Ensign January 1983)

Doctrine and Covenants 18:15-16
15 And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one asoul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
16 And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the akingdom of my Father, how great will be your bjoy if you should bring many csouls unto me!

  • Outward expression of our covenants.
  • Gate to celestial kingdom
  • Beginning
  • The gift of the by is the sealing of the ordinance of baptism.  Many ordinances are sealed after being performed.  Anointing the sick is sealed by a blessing.  Certain temple ordinances are sealed after
  • being performed.
  • Rebirth - sins cleansed
Baptism is a choice.  This is likely one reason infant baptism is wrong.

Baptism is a symbol of death, burial, and resurrection.

Mosiah 15:13-18 and Isaiah 52:7 - why feet?  Feet was how messengers
traveled to deliver messages.  Also missionaries today walk up to
people's doors and into their homes.

Missionary that recently returned from the Arizona Tusan mission spoke to us.

Doctrine and Covenants 18:14-16
14 Wherefore, you are called to acry repentance unto this people.
15 And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one asoul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
16 And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the akingdom of my Father, how great will be your bjoy if you should bring many csouls unto me!

DIETER F. UCHTDORF, The Way of the Disciple, April 2009 General Conference
“A friend of mine recently wrote to me, confiding that he was having a difficult time keeping his testimony strong and vibrant. He asked for counsel.

“I wrote back to him and lovingly suggested a few specific things he could do that would align his life more closely with the teachings of the restored gospel. To my surprise, I heard back from him only a week later. The essence of his letter was this: ‘I tried what you suggested. It didn’t work. What else have you got?’

“Brothers and sisters, we have to stay with it. We don’t acquire eternal life in a sprint—this is a race of endurance. We have to apply and reapply the divine gospel principles. Day after day we need to make them part of our normal life.

“Too often we approach the gospel like a farmer who places a seed in the ground in the morning and expects corn on the cob by the afternoon...

“It is not enough merely to speak of Jesus Christ or proclaim that we are His disciples. It is not enough to surround ourselves with symbols of our religion. Discipleship is not a spectator sport. We cannot expect to experience the blessings of faith by standing inactive on the sidelines any more than we can experience the benefits of health by sitting on a sofa watching sporting events on television and giving advice to the athletes. And yet for some, “spectator discipleship” is a preferred if not a primary way of worshipping.”

Heavenly father knows us by name.

From the Bulletin
"Elder Bruce R. McConkie taught: "Faith is a gift
God bestowed as a reward for personal righteousness. It is always given when righteousness is present, and the greater the measure of obedience to God's laws the greater will be the endowment of faith" (Mormon Doctrine, 2nd ed. [1966], 264). If we desire more faith, we must be more obedient. When we teach our children by example or precept to be casual or situational in obeying God's commandments, we prevent them from receiving this vital spiritual gift. Faith requires an attitude of exact obedience, even in the small, simple things.
Desire is a particle of faith that develops within us as we experience divine truth. It is like spiritual photosynthesis. The influence of the Holy Ghost, acting on the Light of Christ within every human being, produces the spiritual equivalent of a chemical reaction—a stirring, a change of heart, or a desire to know. Hope develops as particles of faith become molecules and as simple efforts to live true principles occur.
As patterns of obedience develop, the specific blessings associated with obedience are realized and belief emerges. Desire, hope, and belief are forms of faith, but faith as a principle of power comes from a consistent pattern of obedient behavior and attitudes. Challenging times require greater spiritual power. Consider carefully the Savior's promise: "If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me" (Moroni 7:33).
Elder Kevin W. Pearson Of the Seventy

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