Sunday, January 18, 2015

Church Services This Week at Ridge Crest Ward Northridge Stake Layton Utah 18 January 2015

Sacrament Service
A sister missionary that recently returned from one of the Texas missions spoke to us.

She shared that she had thought missionaries were perfect before she went on her mission. I had similar thoughts before I went on my mission.   I heard rumors of missionaries being sent home or making bad choices,  but I thought it was just urban legend.

Sunday School
My teaching partner taught about How can I help others learn about Heavenly Father.

Elders Quorum
Teachings of Presidents of the Church:  Ezra Taft Benson Chapter 3
Let's not slack in giving thanks for our food when we eat, even in casual meals or meals where we are alone.

When we live in a home that is less nice than what we would like,  do we still give thanks for it? When we have a dumpy car that runs,  do we give thanks for it?

Prayer is not bound by time. Often prayers are starting to be answered long before we pray, because God already knows that we are going to ask..

Fathers are accountable for making sure family prayer happens in their home.

Pray frequently.
Pray anywhere and everywhere. That doesn't mean you have to make a spectacle of it in public place, but pray wherever you are inspired.
Prepare to pray.
Make prayer meaningful.

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