Sunday, December 26, 2021

Church Services This Week at Oak Ridge Ward Layton North Stake Layton Utah 26 Dec 2021

Sacrament Service 

First Speaker

“Suppose one day before you leave for school, one of your parents makes a true promise that you can have your favorite food when you return home! You are excited! While in school you imagine eating that food, and you can already taste it. Naturally, you share your good news with others. Looking forward to going home makes you so happy that the tests and challenges of school seem light. Nothing can take away your joy or make you doubt because of how sure the promise is! Similarly, before you noble spirits were born, you learned to see Christ’s promises in this sure way, and you tasted of His salvation. Your great faith is like muscles that get stronger and bigger the more you exercise them, but they are already inside you.” (Ahmad S. Corbitt, “You Can Gather Israel!”, April 2021 General Conference)

“Your body is a temple, a gift from God. You will be blessed as you care for your body.” (For the Strength of Youth guide)

Next Speaker

We have role models when we are young that we look up to.  When we get older, we start to see their imperfections.  When we have Jesus as our role model, there are no imperfections.

Something I Thought About

“After I moved to central Missouri, I had the opportunity to serve an older couple. Their small, old country home needed a lot of repairs, including its leaky roof. The couple, however, suffered from serious health challenges that prevented them from doing physical labor.

“On a hot day in July, my good friend Dallas Martin and I were up on the roof putting down new shingles. We were uncomfortable and dripping with sweat. Suddenly, Dallas stopped nailing, stood up, and looked at me.

“‘Do you realize how blessed we are to be the ones capable of being up here doing this work and not the ones inside who can’t?’ he asked.

“His question hit me like a bolt of lightning. It was literally a life-changing moment. My whole perspective on service took on new meaning. I realized how blessed I was to be able to do all the things that I could do.

“At that moment, I felt that Dallas and I were not simply helping because of a sense of duty but were helping with a sense of gratitude. The Lord had blessed us with the ability to truly be His hands. With that realization, it was easy for me to feel love for those we were helping.” (December 2021 Liahona)

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