Sunday, May 05, 2024

Church Services This Week at Oak Ridge Ward Layton North Stake Layton Utah May 5, 2024

Sacrament Service 

A young man announced that he got his mission call to Fort Worth, Texas.

Someone expressed that they heard a temple worker pray “help us to not bully those who have strayed.”  This could include those who understand different things more or less than I do or people that have come to different conclusions that I have.

Sunday School 

Spiritual learning gives focus to secular learning.

The rains and the winds beat on both the house built on the rock and the house built on the same. 

“Sometimes we think doctrine refers to weird, abstract, mysterious subjects in the gospel of Jesus Christ. As I refer to doctrine, I am not talking about how many light-years it is to Kolob and who lives there. Rather, doctrine refers to the eternal, unchanging, and simple truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ. There are several key words in that definition: eternal, unchanging, simple, and truth. Doctrines are never altered. They never vary. They will always be the same. You can always count on them. There is, for example, the doctrine of the Atonement. There is doctrine related to priesthood and priesthood keys. There is doctrine related to continuing revelation and the pattern whereby our Heavenly Father communicates with us and we communicate with Him. These are eternal, unchanging truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ.“ (President David A. Bednar, “Teach Them to Understand”, 4 June 1998)

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